The NRAS Blog

Friday 22 June 2012 Maimie Hume

I am currently feeling very at one with the Dalai Lama having had several decent sleeps since the event that was: the NRAS group coordinators conference last week.

I am looking up Tai Chi teaching videos on youtube in order to learn at home in my pyjamas at the click of a button and I’m managing a daily meditation which involves lying prone on a blanket in the study (away from the rest of the family who pursue a lifestyle of beached jellyfish in front of the TV). Equipped with my teeny weeny laptop on the floor as close as safely possible to my teeny weeny ear I enjoy the deep relaxation, okay the sleep, of the truly zen.

Such relaxation has been well earned after a truly energy-bound two days with all the marvellous key coordinators from NRAS groups around the country. And of course matters were both social as well as brainwork with a superbly entertaining evening and dinner.

As one who espouses the idea of confirmation by repetition, I’d really like to harp on about positive thinking that popped in and out of the conference in one way shape or form: physically in the Mindfulness and Tai Chi sessions as well as psychologically with Kat Weber and even in relation to the RA agenda and NHS reforms – goodness, I hear you gasp! Yes indeed, the power of positive thinking can reach all sorts of quarters.

It was a joy to meet those who give so generously of their time and energy to others around the country and by doing so, really do affect the lives of people with RA in the positive. Those of you fortunate enough to have a group in your area will know first-hand of the benefit attendance brings.

So, to all our NRAS group coordinators, I bow before you; a deep bow in the truest oriental tradition, as a literal and metaphorical expression of great respect and deep appreciation for all you do and give.
Now back to my meditation mat for another snooze...

There may be a group in your area, so do check out this link to our website:

Maimie Hume

Volunteer Network and Project Supervisor 

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