The NRAS Blog

Friday 7 December 2012

'Christmas Time at NRAS' by Oli Hoare

It seems that every year, no matter how hard you try, Christmas has a habit of sneaking up on you – you can be happily enjoying the change in the leaves as summer turns into autumn when crash, bang, wallop – Christmas has arrived! Now this is not a bad thing, especially as fundraising gets to enjoy many a festive treat:

This evening for example, is the NRAS Christmas Concert, which is being held in Maidenhead, so if you do happen to be in the area, we would be more than happy to welcome you in for a mince pie and sing-a-long. Details can be found here: and we have tickets remaining so you can just turn up!

Also, fundraising is in the midst of the Big Give Challenge, which is a matched giving challenge, aiming to double your donation against a corporate partner at no extra cost to you! Our project, which we are hoping to raise money for, is: ‘Supporting Family; life with rheumatoid arthritis’ and is aimed at developing our helpline and website to better support family members who have a loved one living with RA. Further details can be found on our project page here: where you can also donate. The matched funds are released at 10AM today and tomorrow, - so it is important that if you want to donate, to do so, as soon after 10AM as possible to stand the best chance of getting your donation doubled!

And finally, the NRAS Knit Factor, which I hope you are all aware off, is in its prime due to the cold weather we are having – basically we are asking our supporters to knit items for us and send them in to the office, where we list them on eBay to raise funds for NRAS! The take up has been phenomenal and there is still time to knit something and send it in, but don’t take too long, before you know it summer will be back around and nobody wants knitted speedos! Please have a look at the items we have for sale here:

Finally I wish you all a very Merry Christmas,

Warm regards,

NRAS Trust and Grants Fundraiser

1 comment:

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